Katie Tonks

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Katie Tonks
Katie Tonks
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Race Naboo
Gender Female
Born Year -3
Homeworld Naboo
Department JUGANOTH Mining Corporation

Ministry of Natural Resources

New Republic Justice Department
Positions Associate Minister of Natural Resources

Associate Minister of Prospecting

Associate Minister of Justice


Maintaining a constant calm in matters of justice, Katie did her best to achieve things through a peaceful way. Gaining her both respect and admiration from those who knew her. Often been called reason even when things turned dark. Under her term as Associate Minister of Justice, the New Republic's Justice Department saw a rise in both interest and staff. This lead to many necessary revisions of the NR's laws and regulations at that time, as well a reassurance of fair judgement for all New Republicans. To many she was known as a kind and caring woman that would stop at nothing to guarantee a sentient was being cared for, sometimes at a cost to herself.