Imperial I-class Star Destroyer

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Entity Information
Name: RMS Errant Venture
Identifier: 332606
Date of Manufacture: Y14D359
Date of Acquisition: Y19D189
Acquisition Method: Donation
Acquisition Source: The Resistance
Location: Docking Bay 1
Collection: Capital Ships

Imperial I-class Star Destroyer.png

This Imperial Star Destroyer was originally named Severance. The Severance was formerly owned by Admiral Gabriel Kaine, a famous Imperial Officer who later became one of the founding members of The Resistance. The Severance was was one of several Imperial-class Star Destroyers that were secretly built in deep space shipyards by a group of Imperial Officers who were to leave the Empire shortly after, with the intent of one day being using the star destroyers against the corruption and tyranny of the Empire.

Once it was completed the Severance spent much of its early career moving through deep space, acting as a mobile base for the Holowan Mercenary group. It would engage in secret counter-intelligence operations against the Empire, listening in on Imperial Intelligence and Imperial Security Bureau communications and launching small precision strikes against soft Imperial targets. When the Holowan Mercenary Group declared open war against The Empire and the Imperial Union, the Severance was brought out of the shadows and into active service. Later, when Holowan was reorganized into The Resistance, it became the flagship of the Home Defense Fleet and its name was changed to RMS Errant Venture.

After The Resistance's military modernization program started, The RMS Errant Venture was pulled out of active duty service and was donated to the Galactic Museum as a sign of friendship between The Resistance and the New Republic. In honor of Gabriel Kaine's service to Holowan, and then to The Resistance, the interior of the ship was repainted and redesigned in the Kaine House colours: black, grey, and white. Hundreds of copies of artwork and artifacts from House Kaine were created and placed throughout the ship.