State of the Republic - February 2011

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(This address was held on Day 73 in Year 12 by Taka Aioko )

Taka Aioko
Taka Aioko

We live interesting days, The Galactic Empire has a new emperor, Ailon Nova Guard sold out, Tresario Star Kingdom broke away from the Falleen Federation and we have a new Chief of State. It's been a very busy month I can tell you that, we've been adapting to all these new changes and reorganizing many departments. I'm really hoping we can stop with the changes in the Advisory Council so we can focus on walking this new path.

And if we are talking about changes, Senate elections are around the corner. To everybody who's thinking about running, this is the schedule:
Y12 D78 (15/feb) Campaign Starts
Y12 D88 (25/feb) Voting Starts
Y12 D95 (4/march) Voting Ends
(Thanks Andrew for the dates! )
And like someone said, all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do not run for Senate :P so I'd like to encourage you to give it a try.

There's a lot of action going on in the New Republic, even if you don't hear much about it. Besides the common affairs, we have three Tax Planets under construction at the moment, and in the north we have an ongoing operation where we already liberated a couple of planets from Eidola. Even Ezrakh Rhuk, the guy who kidnapped our very own Con Andores was present there trying to stop us, and he was able to see how Galus and Hararyn ceded control to the New Republic. Ezrakh fled shortly after, so we couldn't get a chance at arresting him tho, but I think it's important to show the pirates that WE WILL stand together and fight back. We won't give up to criminals. All those who are there keep up the good work, you're doing a terrific job.

Also last month the Galactic Empire mounted a rescue operation to free a Moff we have in one of our prisons, but unfortunately for them we found out in time, so we were able to thwart the operation at the last minute. This could have been very bad for us, right after getting the hit that was losing ANG to them. But we are still on the ball, and we were even able to upset a few imps in the process. I don't know about you but that's the kind of thing that makes my day.

Personally I've been also been elected as the new Secretary General of the Galactic Alliance, the first one who comes from the New Republic. It's a honor, but it's also a complicated situation, ANG's case and TSK/FF's issue has put the GA between the wall and the sword, so we all agree we need to evolve. That's the only thing we tend to agree tho :P But alas, hope is the last thing that dies, so we'll keep trying, we can't fail this time.

I also apologize for the State of the Republic taking so long, I have to admit I'm starting to feel the heat that comes with this position. It's a busy and lonely seat, I can't really fault our past Chief of States for burning out. Probably in the last month I've dealt with more politics and took more flak than in the whole last year, and that's a real bad combination. Either way I'm not going anywhere, I'm convinced we are in the right path, but real changes take time and a lot of work...

Other news:

NTI welcomes Izec McCrimmon in as their leader. And Luther Nightwish as Logistics Department's XO.

CTS welcomes Luuda Kusaak as the Personnel Department XO and a welcome back to Sethar Harkonen as Delivery department XO. And Endaro Kassan as their Leader

Rimma Star of Service for Endaro Kassan. Both for slabbing for the New Republic and his long standing dedication to the ideals, ethics and solidarity of the same through consistant hard labour and an inability to say 'no'. Thank you for being the best 'Number One' anyone could have, for being CTS' 'logic strain' and brains.

Rimma Star of Service

An Executive's Citation for Bara Ivola, for his continued dedication to detail, hard work and CTS' progress. For his good sense of humour, which is constantly under challenge and his ability to accomidate changes with what appears to be effortless grace.

Executive's Citation

Outstanding Excellence Award Cruz Skyff - Brilliant work and contribution towards Recruitment and the well being of NR's recruits Ro Ru Wok - Consistent work to an exceptional standard

Outstanding Excellence Award

Outstanding Excellence:

Rhinna Alley - Fantastic work with all NATs new cadets

Outstanding Excellence Award

Leadership Citation: Ki-Adi Mudi

Leadership Award

Selfless Service and Sacrifice Award Shanon Midnight Clarion Lancaster Andrew Kindness Argon Windlaeufer Jadak Grulin Inara El Satori Corran Jackson

Selfless Service and Sacrifice Award

For supporting all Nationalised Factions of the New Republic not just through word, but deed.

Executive´s Citation for Nathan Eisenhorn. He did a special mission for State Ministry far far away from NR territory.

Executive's Citation

Congratz to all the people who were awarded. There's a lot of other people who deserve to be awarded too, but we needed to wrap this SoTR up at some point, so we'll try to have a new one ready soonTM.