Library:Diplomacy Act

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1.1. With the assistance of the Chief of State, the Senate shall formulate diplomatic policy on behalf of the New Republic.
1.2. The High Ambassador of the New Republic may formulate diplomatic policy if the Senate has not formulated a specific policy.
1.3. Once a policy is set, all relevant departments in the New Republic will be responsible for following the policies set forth by the Senate and Republic Diplomacy Command.
1.4. At least once per Senate session, the High Ambassador shall summarize all diplomatic relations in a report to the Senate and Chief of State.
1.5. Where appropriate, the High Ambassador, his delegate or one of the Representatives to the Galactic Alliance shall ensure the Senate has access to active treaties, major policy decisions and changes to the Galactic Alliance as a whole

2.1. The Senate of the New Republic shall vote on all policy matters brought up in the Galactic Alliance. A majority vote will be required and the outcome will be the New Republic's vote.
2.2. If the Senate fails to provide policy for the New Republic to act upon, the Representatives for the New Republic may vote as they deem appropriate according to a majority decision by the Advisory Council.
2.3. When presented candidates for membership in the Galactic Alliance, a majority vote in the Senate shall be the vote of the New Republic in the General Assembly.
2.4. The Senate shall be notified of major discussions and votes to amend the Galactic Alliance Treaty as well as any changes to the list of member states.

3.1 New diplomatic agreements shall not conflict with other diplomatic agreements or Senate legislation.
3.2 The Chief of State and High Ambassador may jointly approve or revise a diplomatic agreement so long as there is no increase to the obligations of the military of the New Republic.
3.3 The Senate shall be notified of any alterations to diplomatic agreements.
3.4 Only a majority vote by the Senate may approve a diplomatic agreement which compels the New Republic military to act beyond its existing obligations.
3.5 In order to facilitate the spread of information, the Senate shall be provided with access to Republic Diplomacy Command's library of treaties and documents.

4.1. Only a majority vote by the Senate may approve a declaration or cessation of war.
4.2. The New Republic may defend itself at any time regardless of diplomatic policy or Senate authorization.

Updated on Year 17 Day 281.