Future Leader Commendation

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Future Leader CommendationFuture Leader Commendation

Awarded by an appropriate member of Military High Command or Battle Group Commanding Officer to a non-command junior officer for providing insight or leadership above and beyond the call of duty.

  • Awarded by a member of High Command or Group Commanding Officer
  • Awarded to officers of 0-3 rank and below
  • Providing insight or leadership skills beyond the call of duty


Year 25

Tironos Horuruok (Year 25 Day 112)
Pietro Leopoldino (Year 25 Day 83)
Jerome Valkyrie (Year 25 Day 35)

Year 24

Emeyrald Voran (Year 24 Day 290)

Year 22

Jonas Kanuteau (Year 22 Day 285)
Leotis Kyruzo (Year 22 Day 285)

Year 20

Devokay Monbrya (Year 20 Day 164)

Year 19

Liviana Iota (Year 19 Day 72)

Year 18

Shu Shei Dael (Year 18 Day 341)
Exarus Cade (Year 18 Day 356)
Daehd Moroz (Year 18 Day 356)
Rhok Bowchang (Year 18 Day 290)
Nohayk Haddock (Year 18 Day 290)


Future Leader Commendation

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