Star Galleon-class Frigate

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Entity Information
Name: Restoration
Identifier: 643
Date of Manufacture: n.a.
Date of Acquisition: Y14D66
Acquisition Method: Purchase
Acquisition Source: Syn
Location: Docking Bay 1
Collection: Frigates

Star Galleon-class Frigate.png

While in the Empire, this frigate was assigned to a transport line of the First Transport Fleet: the Zeta Line. At that time she was called simply 643.
In Year 4 one of the captains assigned on that transport route, Vincent Strife, decided to defect the Empire to go to the Falleen Federation. The Falleens managed to take over the frigate's crew despite the strong opposition of the many Imperial loyalists still onboard. Squall Chitose lead the attack on that ship and Asarya and Finn Setanta boarded with him. Shortly before the capture, the Imperials changed the frigate's name into DEFECTOR. After the capture, the ship was renamed Victory and served in the Falleen fleet. Vincent Strife joined the Falleen Federation until Kuraine died. The ship was sold to the public market (probably because her owner died) and was bought by Syn who owned her privately till her sale to the Museum. ((According to Syn, the previous owner was very likely Keir before he died in a Red Scenario.)) Syn christened her Restoration.

Regarding Vincent Strife, it is known that some time after he joined The Antarian Rangers. It was later reported that Mr. Strife had joined Eidola some years later.

Squall was involved in the Red Scenario. Eventually this frigate was landed on Planet Oshora III and was almost forgotten till our times.