New Republic Positions

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Current Positions

This pages contains positions in the New Republic meaning to be transcluded in other pages.

CoS & AC

Chief of State: Endaro Kassan

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Minister of State: Eli Descartes

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Minister of Civil Engineering: Grath Gelenek

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Minister of Natural Resources: Owyn Darklighter

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Minister of Trade & Industry: Tengri Lethas

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Chief of Military Operations: Orion Chran

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Chief of Army Command: Wolfgang Nospe

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Chief of Naval Command: Helix Falks

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Chief of Starfighter Command: Guenther Netzer

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Director of the New Republic Intelligence Services: Vacant

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High Ambassador: Gryffyn Grayurra

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Deputies & Associate Ministers

Associate Minister of State: Vacant

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Associate Minister of Civil Engineering: Tidus Rose

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Associate Minister of Natural Resources: Vacant

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Associate Minister of Trade & Industry: Vacant

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Deputy Director of the New Republic Intelligence Services: Adam Hughes

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Deparment Leaders

NAT Leaders