NRS Nautilus

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The NRS Nautilus is the flagship of the New Republic. It was the first in a long line of MC80 Home One Class Star Cruisers designed by New Republican and Mon Calamari engineers to defend the New Republic from attack. It started as a Mon Calamari luxury cruise liner but was outfitted with a large number of turbolasers and ion batteries. The NRS Nautilus was re-purposed as a military vessel before engineers discovered a way to mass produce the warship. It is because of this that the NRS Nautilus is a one-of-a-kind flagship.


The NRS Nautilus often is used as a mobile headquarters for the New Republic. While the exterior of the NRS Nautilus is designed to be optimized for war, most of its interior seems to have been designed for crew morale. It is outfitted with suites and large mess halls courtesy of its years as a luxury liner. Most in the armed forces hope to serve on this vessel. It's arguably the most iconic vessel in the New Republic and will continue to be for many years.