Civilian Departments:New Republic Academy

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The New Republic Academy is the training center for all members of the government and its nationalized corporations, as well as some of its private sector affiliates. New recruits, cadets and old hands can enroll in courses covering a variety of areas and learn the skills they will need to pursue their chosen career.

(If you have not chosen a career, feel free to ask around and be sure to visit the Recruitment department!)

The academy falls under the authority of the Ministry of State, and is represented by the Minister on the Advisory Council. Day-to-day running of the academy is managed by the Administrator of Education, with departmentalised duties handled by the relevant administrative and teaching staff.

Wesley OyKi
Academy Administrator
Wesley OyKi
IRC: Gothar

Caisava Chelski
Dean of Recruitment
Caisava Chelski
IRC: GhullkaIkto

Academy Registration

To register in the academy you must be a member of the New Republic, a nationalised faction or a private sector affiliate and be registered on the NR forums. For information on doing so, please select these links for joining the New Republic and registering on the New Republic Communication Center

Once these actions have been tended to, you should be able to find the Academy section of the forums. From here, proceed to the Academy Registration sub-forum, read the announcement "[MUST READ]" threads and follow the procedure as indicated. Soon enough, you will be requesting your courses!

Academy Contact Details

At any point during your studies with us you are encouraged to ask the Academy staff any questions you may have, and further contact details are displayed in the following pages. Please feel free to send us Darkness Messages or Private Messages on the NR forums but do, however, remember we may need some time to respond to your queries - we will get back to you as soon as possible! If you have not heard from us within 3 days, please contact another staff member as your initial contact may be on a Leave of Absence or otherwise unavailable.

Academy Adresses
On the New Republic Communication Center Academy
Email address
IRC Channel #cmg-nr-academy

Further Links