Arquitens Light Cruiser

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Entity Information
Name: Black Sands
Identifier: 275924
Date of Manufacture: Y13D172
Date of Acquisition: Y13D178
Acquisition Method: Purchase
Acquisition Source: Eldrwyn D'Auvregne
Location: Docking Bay 1
Collection: Light Cruisers Capital Ships

Arquitens Light Cruiser large.png

The Black Sands was a slaving vessel that was impounded during its last trip. The ship had already moved valuable slaves from core worlds to places such as Hutt space. When the Arquitens landed in the Alderaan's starport of Terrarium City for its ignominious trades, its crew was arrested and the ship seized in legal custody. One staff member of the museum who was waiting for a shuttle witnessed the event and informed the Board. The ship was bought and the credits were used as a partial reimbursement for the families of the people who were turned into slavery.