Remembrance Ribbon

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by Jahu Skyla -- Year 9 Day 18, 9:42

One of the most difficult and saddest aspects of life is the loss of friends, comrades, and leaders dear to us. The realisation that they are gone is a horrible revelation. Yet... life goes on, we pick ourselves up and move forward. But there is a lingering memory, and the feel for a need to honour them in a more personal way. Not only to grieve, but to celebrate their lives, their contributions, and everything that they stood for.

Hence... I am now wearing this white ribbon, and I invite anyone else who wishes to, to join me in doing so. It is in the ceremonial colours of the New Republic - white, for purity and virtue, peace and comfort. Golden-yellow for hope, and the gentle blue for loyalty.

It is but a humble little gesture, but may it remind us of the sacrifices that were made, that freedom is fragile, and it is the most precious gift that we can give to one another through our service and citizenry as New Republicans. And that we may continue to stand firm in the good fight - for freedom, justice, equality... and unity.

In honour of...

Kayllin Laws, Navy
Ace Rose, SFC
Cheda Quche, SFC
Ayy D`oria, Army
Juraki Takeda, Civilian
Ezekial Nien, Civilian
Eli LaSalle, Navy
Oilios Katastrefor, SFC
Thies Windu, SFC
Alex Tritan, SFC
Bengro Evabri, Navy
Bleyse Windwhisper, SFC
Corran Sunstriker, SFC
David Kellar, Navy
Droop, Navy
Gabrich Varmer, Navy
Jacky Quah, Army
Julian Stan X`Las, SFC
Jobal Avalom, SFC
Kraw Night, SFC
Kyiang Sunrider, SFC
Nim Orlan, SFC
Stack Daal, SFC
Tan Orinol, SFC
Tuhhetti Secura, Army
Vash Lightfoot, Navy
Wes Palpie, Navy

We pause to remember those who died With so much courage, so much pride They'll never come back, yet memories endure To remind us of freedom: fragile, pure We're worthy of their sacrifice if we pause each day Not just on the last Restoration Day

(adapted from Last Monday in May by John T. Bird)