Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter Mk II

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Entity Information
Name: Rainbow Painter 1
Identifier: 279697
Date of Manufacture: Y13D202
Date of Acquisition: Y13D222
Acquisition Method: Donation
Acquisition Source: Incom Corporation
Location: Docking Bay 1
Collection: Fighters

Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter Mk II.png

The fighter exposed here was part of the Rainbow Painters squadron. The Rainbow Painters are a military squadron of the New Republic that performs aerobatics in air shows to demonstrate the skill, professionalism, and teamwork of NR fighter pilots. The squadron is based in Sullust, birthplace of SoroSuub Corporation that originally produced this type of fighter, and later merged with Incom.

It is very rare to see a Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter Mk II in the galaxy, and the aerobatics squadron attracts sentients from anywhere in the galaxy to see the formations and manoeuvres that are designed each season by the team.

Since this fighter lacks a hyperdrive engine, during the show season the Rainbow Painters are carried into a capital ship to travel to selected locations across the galaxy.