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Investigations Reveal Imperial Plot To Subjugate Sentients

GNS hacked by Gand Xitwa on Year 18 Day 71

RNN Headquarters, REPUBLICA -- The New Republic Intelligence Service announced an unexpected development in the case of former New Republic citizen, Kara Webb, today. Investigators have been looking into Mrs Webb ever since her defection to the Galactic Empire approximately two weeks ago. In a briefing jointly held with Republic Medical, a new revelation was announced.

“While examining Mrs Webb’s belongings, we found an unusual device,” said lead investigator Sidara Ming. “It appeared similar in size and shape to an Imperial C1 comlink. Further inspection revealed that this communicator was in fact a delivery medium for an aerosolised agent. We sent the device to Republic Medical for testing.”

“During the course of our tests,” said Doctor Jen Eyan, “We discovered the remains of a genetically-engineered pheromone-producing spore. This spore bears the markers and genetic structure of several different species ranging from Abyssin to Zeltron. The genetic material discovered matches up with many of the species most oppressed by the Empire, and according to reports, those most prone to unexplained disappearance.”


Republic Medical’s full report described the effect the pheromone produced during computer simulation. Simulated subjects exposed to what the report refers to as 'Pheromone-K' developed symptoms including paranoia, depression, short temper, irritability and confusion. In advanced subjects, this eventually developed into an inability to think clearly, a reduced ability to deal with change or make rational choices and a high susceptibility to suggestion.

It is believed that Kara Webb was exposed to this agent, thus explaining recent changes in her behaviour, including: memory lapses, bouts of anger, resignation from her Senate position only to resume her duties a few hours later and eventually in her leaving the New Republic altogether.

“It explains a great deal,” said Ghon Webb, her husband. “She changed a lot in the few weeks before she left. She stopped talking to me. Usually neither of us would ever do anything life-changing without discussing it with the other. She did it more and more often, resigning from the Senate, leaving the NR, joining the Empire. In the past she would have never dreamed of not at least mentioning what she was thinking or feeling. It felt like I was losing her long before she actually left.”

It is believed that exposure to this spore and its pheromones is also responsible for a rash of unusual actions by a number of other former New Republic citizens. Ashley Stanley, Kara’s padawan was the first to display noticeable symptoms, indicating that she was perhaps the first to trigger the device. It is believed to have been originally taken by Kara as a trophy from Derra, as it was found with a number of other discarded or battle-damaged Imperial items.

Ashely Stanley was a lover of Jasper Merlyn. Merlyn himself recently fled the New Republic after being found guilty of espionage. He was joined in his escape by a number of other people who were close to both him and Kara, indicating that one or all three may have been 'patient zero'.

Doctor Jen Eyan said: “Now that we know what we are looking for, Republic Medical believes that we are able to successfully test for the presence of the spore, however all tests so far have come back clear. It is non-contagious after infection except in cases where the spores may linger on clothes and belongings as a result of initial exposure. Its regenerative properties, gained from its Abyssin genetics, maintain the spore at a pheromone-producing stage of its life cycle, preventing it from ever reaching a reproductive stage. This makes it persistent once in a system, but unlikely to spread from person to person except in the hours immediately following exposure. Whether this is intentional or a flaw in the design, is unknown.”

Repmed sims.png

The origin of the spore still remains uncertain, however most signs point towards it being an experimental Imperial bio-weapon that may have been in testing on Derra IV. It has long been suspected that the metamorphosis virus outbreak of Year 14 was an Imperial attempt to test an inverted version of the Year 4 strain which only targeted humans. This theory has long been supported by the fact that a disproportionate number of Imperial officers and soldiers on Derra were unaffected by the metamorphosis virus that tore through most other camps.

Kara’s infection with such a weapon has sparked the worry that the Empire has other weapons or more effective versions. Since joining the New Order, Kara’s behaviour has further altered. Speech pattern analysts from the University of Tythe, upon studying recent speeches made by Kara on behalf of the Empire and comparing them speeches made during her time as Chief of State, noted marked differences. “Her speech patterns no longer resemble her own. She speaks in a far more imperious tone than she had possessed even a few weeks before. In fact, the words she uses and the manner in which she delivers them are almost identical to speeches delivered by Imperial Executor Seele. Before, I would have jokingly said it was as if she is being puppeted or controlled under severe brainwashing. Given RepMed’s findings, I’m afraid that joke might be too real for comfort.”

Reports that Kara Webb may be under Imperial manipulation were further supported by a news report published by the Theed Inquisitor, a local Naboo publication. In the wake of an Imperial announcement that Mira Webb was with her mother on Coruscant a brief search was conducted on Theed, where Mira Webb attends school during the year under the guardianship of her aunt Essara Olié. The search was concluded when members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces found Mira enjoying her afternoon art class.

Naboo school.png

Mira’s father, Ghon Webb, while being a New Republic Senator is also a Naboo by birth and holds dual New Republic and Trade Federation citizenship. The High Court of the Trade Federation has published an official opinion regarding the implications of citizenship upon families: “Individuals either born within the Trade Federation, or born to a Trade Federation citizen, are by law citizens of the Trade Federation.”

The High Court made subsequent statements on more specific questions regarding the movement of children and the welfare of children under their law: “Only a parent, citizen or not citizen, who has received an order, from the appropriate Sector Court of the Trade Federation, stating they are the sole legal custodian of the child would be allowed to remove the child from Trade Federation space. Without that occurring, it is the Court's responsibility to see to the welfare and safekeeping of any child that is a citizen of the Trade Federation, and that is best accomplished with the child remaining within the Trade Federation territory, and preferably in the Sector of the child's home world, or home world of its parent or parents. […]The Trade Federation Court has a responsibility to the citizens of the Trade Federation to provide a fair and proper legal system to properly protect the rights of the citizens of the Federation and to bring about just retribution against those who would deny the citizens of the Federation their rights. This is equally applicable to any minor or child of the Trade Federation, and the Court will ensure that any minor or child receives all the protections that Trade Federation Law affords them.”

The independent verification of Mira Webb’s whereabouts, as well as the legal ramifications had Kara removed her from her father without legal grounds, calls into doubt the Empire’s recent assertion that Kara took her daughter with her when she left the New Republic. Flight logs and ship manifests along Kara’s journey to The Core show only one declared passenger, and focus scans of her ship as she departed New Republic space confirmed only one passenger on board. The images displayed by the Empire intentionally obscured the features of the supposed Mira Webb making her identity unverifiable and show other evidence of photo manipulation. It is not yet known if Kara is a willing participant in the Galactic Empire’s duplicity or if she has been influenced into believing that the girl in the images is really her daughter.

See also

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