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[[File:Award_Rimma_Star_of_Service.png|right|alt=Rimma Star of Service]]
{{Character Infobox
[[File:Avatar Eli Descartes.png|left|alt=Avatar of Eli Descartes]]
|name = Eli Descartes
|race = Alderaanian
|born = Year -17 Day 64
| '''Name''':
|homeworld = Alderaan
| Elijah Cornelius Descartes
|pastPositions = Minister of State <br/>
Leader of [[Kerdos Company]]
| '''Age''':
|pastAffiliations = Kerdos Company
| 34 Galactic Standard Years
|awards = {{Award|name=Rimma Star of Service|showName=no|showSmall=yes}}{{Award|name=Phoenix Medal|showName=no|showSmall=yes}}{{Award|name=New Republican of the Month|showName=no|showSmall=yes}}<br/>
| '''Species''':
| Alderaanian
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It was the first time Eli had ever left the planet's surface. Hell, it was the first time he had even boarded a starship! For the young Alderaanian, a new adventure was beginning - although he had no idea where it would lead.
It was the first time Eli had ever left the planet's surface. Hell, it was the first time he had even boarded a starship! For the young Alderaanian, a new adventure was beginning - although he had no idea where it would lead.
Some days later, the shuttle arrived on the planet of Oetrago III - a cold and rocky planet in the Outer Rim. With very few credits or possessions, Eli soon found himself working first in a Tavern, and then a Factory in order to make ends meet.  
Some days later, the shuttle arrived on the planet of Oetrago III - a cold and rocky planet in the Outer Rim. With very few credits or possessions, Eli soon found himself working behind a bar in order to make ends meet. After some time, Eli joined the crew of the YT-1300 freighter "Blockade Runner" as third mate. The owner of the freighter, a Hapan by the name of [[Profiles:Luther Nightwish|Luther Nightwish]], would come to teach Eli how to pilot and navigate starships.  
His employer managed to find him a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. It was nothing special, but it was home. Several years went by, Eli continued to keep his head down and work hard, and by the age of 23 he had become a supervisor in the factory. By the age of 26, he was the manager.  
===Blockade Runner===
The freighter departed the Mayagil sector, and began it's mission. Luther would tutor Eli over the coming weeks and months, teaching him many valuable skills that he would use much later in his career.  
===Joining the New Republic===
There was a whisper, Eli had heard, of a new exploration renaissance. In recent times, the Resh system - consisting only of a single comet and its star - had been discovered, and this had inspired countless other sentients to explore the depths of Hyperspace. His new employer was one of these sentients, and Eli was about to experience his first real mission into Hyperspace.
Many weeks went by, until one evening the NavComputer buzzed incessantly. It had detected an anomaly, and Blockade Runner had been pulled otu of hyperspace just outside the Aturi Cluster - otherwise known as the Hook Nebula system.
Although the six suns of the Aturi Cluster was a notable discovery, the crew had not discovered any habitable planet as it had set out to do. The Blockade Runner returned to the Oetrago system, her mission only a partial success.
===TransGalMeg Industries===
Upon their return to Oetrago, Luther revealed that he was the CEO of TransGalMeg Industries - a nationalised faction of the New Republic. Luther offered Eli a job within one of it's factories, and helped him to find a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. Eli worked on the factory floor for many years, before moving up the ladder. Over the course of the next five years, Eli came to manage a small group of factories under the tutelage of Luther.
===Joining Kerdos Company===
Eli now wanted to repay the company that had been so good to him. He optimised, he pushed production and did whatever he did to keep the workforce happy. It wasn't long before he was noticed by external forces, and was offered a job by [[Profiles:Het Patchateeka|Het Patchateeka]] with [[NAT:Kerdos Company|Kerdos Company]]. Eli was given one task - to create a new production department entirely from scratch. It was beyond anything the young Alderaanian had even accomplished, but nevertheless he set about his mission. Months of tireless work culminated in factories rising from foundations, mines being bored into the ground, and an influx of workers into the Sluis system. With a few good men and women working by his side, Eli had accomplished his task and was finally able to wipe the sweat from his brow.
Eli now wanted to repay the company that had been so good to him. He optimised, he pushed production and did whatever he did to keep the workforce happy. It wasn't long before he was noticed by external forces, and was offered a job by [[Profiles:Het Patchateeka|Het Patchateeka]] with [[NAT:Kerdos Company|Kerdos Company]]. Eli was given one task - to create a new production department entirely from scratch. It was beyond anything the young Alderaanian had even accomplished, but nevertheless he set about his mission. Months of tireless work culminated in factories rising from foundations, mines being bored into the ground, and an influx of workers into the Sluis system. With a few good men and women working by his side, Eli had accomplished his task and was finally able to wipe the sweat from his brow.
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Eli eventually retired from the Minister of State role on Year 17 Day 64 - the day of his thirty fourth birthday. Shortly afterwards, the Alderaanian disappeared into hyperspace a long with the vast majority of his fleet.
Eli eventually retired from the Minister of State role on Year 17 Day 64 - the day of his thirty fourth birthday. Shortly afterwards, the Alderaanian disappeared into hyperspace a long with the vast majority of his fleet.
==Career History==
===Positions Held===
===Positions Held===
===Former Positions===
===Former Positions===
*Minister of State (Ret. Year 17 Day 64)
{{Career Infobox
*Culture Team Leader
| department = Ministry of State
*CEO, Kerdos Company
| rank = Culture Team Leader
*Director of Production, Kerdos Company
*Recruitment Officer
{{Career Infobox Inline
| rank = Recruitment Officer}}
{{Career Infobox Inline
| insignia = [[File: Rank C-5 MoS.png|link=]]
| payGrade = C-5
| duration = Year 15 Day 265 - Year 17 Day 64
| rank = Minister of State}}
{{Career Infobox
| department = Kerdos Company
| rank = Director of Production
{{Career Infobox Inline
| insignia = [[File: Rank C-3 MoNR.png|link=]]
| payGrade = C-3
| rank = Chief Executive Officer<br/>Leader of [[Kerdos Company]]}}
==Awards and Citations==
==Awards and Citations==
*Rimma Star of Service (Awarded Y17 D71)
{{Award Infobox
*Phoenix Medal (Awarded Y17 D71)
|award = Rimma Star of Service
*New Republican of the Month
|type = small
|givenBy = Endaro Kassan
|date = Year 17 Day 71
{{Award Infobox Inline
|award = Phoenix Medal
|type = small
|givenBy = Endaro Kassan
|date = Year 17 Day 71}}
{{Award Infobox Inline
|award = New Republican of the Month
|type = small
|givenBy = ARGH!!!
|date = May 2015}}
===Skill Bars===
===Skill Bars===

Latest revision as of 08:05, 9 June 2016

Eli Descartes
Eli Descartes
Race Alderaanian
Born Year -17 Day 64
Homeworld Alderaan
Past positions Minister of State
Leader of Kerdos Company
Past affiliations Kerdos Company
Rimma Star of ServicePhoenix MedalNew Republican of the Month


Early Life

Elijah Cornelius Descartes, an only child, was born on Year -17 D64 to an affluent banking family on Alderaan.

As a child, Eli spent the vast majority of his time on the family estate - located a short distance away from the capital city of Aldera. His upbringing was seemingly devoid of emotion. Eli's parents often worked long hours and he rarely saw them, instead he was raised by the many employees and tutors on the estate. Eli was ultimately expected to take over the family business, but he had little amibition to do so. This, coupled with the seeming lack of true parental guidance often lead to the young Alderaanian acting out. A great deal of money was spent on his education, but only a few select subjects would ever capture his imagination.


The day Eli turned 18 was the day he decided to leave his home planet. He made his way to Aldera Spaceport, with no real idea of where he wanted to go. In the end he decided to board the next shuttle out of Alderaan, which took him half way across the galaxy to the Mayagil sector.

It was the first time Eli had ever left the planet's surface. Hell, it was the first time he had even boarded a starship! For the young Alderaanian, a new adventure was beginning - although he had no idea where it would lead.

Some days later, the shuttle arrived on the planet of Oetrago III - a cold and rocky planet in the Outer Rim. With very few credits or possessions, Eli soon found himself working behind a bar in order to make ends meet. After some time, Eli joined the crew of the YT-1300 freighter "Blockade Runner" as third mate. The owner of the freighter, a Hapan by the name of Luther Nightwish, would come to teach Eli how to pilot and navigate starships.

Blockade Runner

The freighter departed the Mayagil sector, and began it's mission. Luther would tutor Eli over the coming weeks and months, teaching him many valuable skills that he would use much later in his career.

There was a whisper, Eli had heard, of a new exploration renaissance. In recent times, the Resh system - consisting only of a single comet and its star - had been discovered, and this had inspired countless other sentients to explore the depths of Hyperspace. His new employer was one of these sentients, and Eli was about to experience his first real mission into Hyperspace.

Many weeks went by, until one evening the NavComputer buzzed incessantly. It had detected an anomaly, and Blockade Runner had been pulled otu of hyperspace just outside the Aturi Cluster - otherwise known as the Hook Nebula system.

Although the six suns of the Aturi Cluster was a notable discovery, the crew had not discovered any habitable planet as it had set out to do. The Blockade Runner returned to the Oetrago system, her mission only a partial success.

TransGalMeg Industries

Upon their return to Oetrago, Luther revealed that he was the CEO of TransGalMeg Industries - a nationalised faction of the New Republic. Luther offered Eli a job within one of it's factories, and helped him to find a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. Eli worked on the factory floor for many years, before moving up the ladder. Over the course of the next five years, Eli came to manage a small group of factories under the tutelage of Luther.

Joining Kerdos Company

Eli now wanted to repay the company that had been so good to him. He optimised, he pushed production and did whatever he did to keep the workforce happy. It wasn't long before he was noticed by external forces, and was offered a job by Het Patchateeka with Kerdos Company. Eli was given one task - to create a new production department entirely from scratch. It was beyond anything the young Alderaanian had even accomplished, but nevertheless he set about his mission. Months of tireless work culminated in factories rising from foundations, mines being bored into the ground, and an influx of workers into the Sluis system. With a few good men and women working by his side, Eli had accomplished his task and was finally able to wipe the sweat from his brow.

Leadership of Kerdos

Some time later, Het retired from Kerdos Company, and Eli was asked to take over. Eli's leadership was conservative; servicing the needs of the New Republic without shaking the boat too much. Some months passed, and the running of Kerdos was quite smooth although there was always work to be done.

Minister of State

It wasn't long after stepping up to the helm of Kerdos that Eli was asked by Chief of State Ro Ru Wok to sit on the Advisory Council as his Minister of State. Eli spent the early months of his new seat learning what it meant to be a member of the Advisory Council.

With the aid of Wedge Achilles, much reform was brought to the Ministry of State. The new Art, Web, and Culture teams were set up, along with the New Republic Bursary. Eli became involved in many Senate issues, and often pushed for change within the Senate and Advisory Council. One particular area of interest for Eli was the business of Trade, Industry, and Commerce. This lead to the formation of the New Republic Bureau for Commerce, which in the first instance was designed to make New Republic exports more visible, but in the second instance, aimed to create a centralised sales location. Keeping in line with this mentality, Eli represented the New Republic at the Year 16 Krath Expo, where sales in excess of 100 million credits were made.

Chief of State Elections

Eli was the first to enter the bid for Chief of State in the Year 16 Day 161 elections, with his platform largely focusing on the issue of public relations. Other areas of interest were large scale construction projects, and the exploration of deep space. In the end, Eli lost out to both Endaro Kassan and Damon Phet - having only secured 30% of the vote himself. Endaro went on to win the by-election, and Eli continued to serve as Minister of State under Chief of State Kassan.


Eli eventually retired from the Minister of State role on Year 17 Day 64 - the day of his thirty fourth birthday. Shortly afterwards, the Alderaanian disappeared into hyperspace a long with the vast majority of his fleet.

Career History

Positions Held

  • None

Former Positions

Ministry of State
Insignia Paygrade Duration Rank/Position
Unknown Culture Team Leader
Unknown Recruitment Officer
Rank C-5 MoS.png C-5 Year 15 Day 265 - Year 17 Day 64 Minister of State

Kerdos Company
Insignia Paygrade Duration Rank/Position
Unknown Director of Production
Rank C-3 MoNR.png C-3 Unknown Chief Executive Officer
Leader of Kerdos Company

Awards and Citations


Award Name Given By Date
Rimma Star of Service Rimma Star of Service Endaro Kassan Year 17 Day 71
Phoenix Medal Phoenix Medal Endaro Kassan Year 17 Day 71
New Republican of the Month New Republican of the Month ARGH!!! May 2015

Skill Bars

  • Master Manager
  • Master Pilot